Dwelling Fire
Dwelling fire insurance is commonly referred to as “landlord insurance”. This type of insurance is very similar to a comprehensive homeowner’s insurance policy. Dwelling fire insurance is a different policy that has greater coverage for those who use the property for rental income or own a vacant home. Often times, this policy is written to cover homes that are occupied, or lived in, by someone other than the owner. A basic dwelling fire insurance policy will typically include dwelling and liability coverage.
Adequate Coverage
It is very important to properly insure your rental property so that you are adequately covered in the event of a loss. How can you determine if dwelling fire insurance is right for you? Take a look at the following list of candidates who are most suited to purchase dwelling fire insurance are:
Landlords who obtain rental and investment property and DO NOT need to insure others’ personal belongings
Owners of properties that are under construction or renovation
Owners of properties that are not occupied full-time, such as seasonal homes or second homes
Owners of homes that do not possess much cash value, such as an inexpensive manufactured home, mobile home or old home